Ayurvedic Yoga Massage School London Course Enrolment
Please complete this form to sign up for training courses
Click here for full details of courses and diploma training
If you have any questions about the form, please contact Debbie: glitterdebbie@gmail.com 07792579595
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Email *
By providing your email address you are agreeing to receive emails from AYM School. You can always unsubscribe at any time. *
Mobile number: *
Full name: this is the name that will appear on your Certificate of Attendance or Diploma Certificate if applicable. *
Date of birth: (please note this format is month, day, year) *
Full address including postcode: *
Which course would you like to book?

Payment: Please pay the total cost or deposit now to save your place. Please pay the balance 4 weeks before the course starts. If you are enrolling within 4 weeks before the course start date, the total cost is requested. 

Bank details for your payment will be provided after you submit this form. (If you prefer to pay through Eventbright please note that they add a high service fee and VAT which increases the price)
Previous experience: do you have any previous experience of massage or bodywork? Please be reassured that previous experience is NOT required, but it is useful for the tutor to know whether you have any or not - please describe briefly: *
Intention: how many of the course units do you plan to attend? Please let me know if you know, or let me know if you are not sure and are going to see how it goes. *
Booking conditions: 

To enrol on a course/workshop you will be provided with bank details to make a transfer.  Your place will be saved once payment has been received.

I want to be as helpful to you as possible in case you need to cancel or change your dates, but as a boutique massage school I also need to make sure that places on courses are not left empty by cancellations.

Up to 8 weeks before the course/workshop starts you can cancel for a full refund or transfer to another course date.

Within 8 weeks of the course/workshop starting no transfers or refunds are available unless your place can be filled with another student.  If a substitute student is found you will incur an admin fee of £50 and the rest of your payment will be refunded. If no substitute student can be found, you will not be eligible for a refund and you will still be eligible to attend your original course dates if you wish.  Please tick to agree.
Attendance: the Unit 1-3 training days are a concentrated learning experience and you will need to attend them in full from 10am - 6pm (with a break for lunch).  If you miss a day or part of a day you will not be able to gain the Certificate of Attendance or Professional Diploma.  If you wish, it will be possible to make up the missed training with one to one training with the tutor on another occasion for an extra fee. *
The AYM Unit 1-3 requires a reasonable degree of physical fitness and you will need a reasonable standard of English for the study involved - especially for Unit 4.

While learning the massage you will be receiving massage from other students.  Ayurvedic Yoga Massage is a strong massage treatment that includes the therapist standing on the client and massaging with their feet while their hands rest on a stool.  If you have any physical problems that mean you might not be able to receive this massage, please discuss this with Debbie before enrolling.

AYM is a very thorough treatment - for some sections of the massage the buttocks or the chest are uncovered and you will need to be comfortable with this please.  If you have any questions about this please contact Debbie to discuss.
Any comments or questions?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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