Trans Rights Campaign Survey
Survivor Sanctuary+ is a Coventry-based organisation providing support for LGBT+ people, and we need your input to launch a trans-rights campaign!

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What issues do you think a trans campaigning group in Coventry should prioritise working on? (For a more in depth summary of each campaign, see here)
1 (First priority)
2 (Second priority)
3 (Third priority)
Bridging Prescriptions: working with GPs in the Coventry area to confidently begin prescribe hormone replacement therapy to their trans patients
Ban on 'conversion therapy': campaigning to include trans people in the proposed conversion therapy legislation
School Guidance: working with schools to create an environment that is supportive to trans and non-binary students
Are you:
Where did you find this survey?
Are there any campaigning opportunities that you think we have missed?
Would you like a member of our campaign team to get in touch with you - either about joining in with the campaign work, or to speak one-on-one about your thoughts on this work? If yes, please leave your email and/or phone number. 
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