Burtonsville MOPS 2024-2025 Mom Registration
Welcome to Burtonsville MOPS!  We're so excited to have you!

To be completely registered, each mom needs to:
1) Pay MOPS International dues: https://www.themom.co/join
(MOPS registration code: D5ZF; MomsNext registration code: QD1I)
2) Complete this form and pay chapter dues
3) Complete the childcare form if you plan on using childcare during the year*

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at burtonsvillemops@gmail.com and welcome to MOPS!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email address *
Are you registering for MOPS (meaning your youngest is Kindergarten or younger) or MOMSnext (meaning your youngest is school-aged)
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Last name *
First name *
Street address *
City *
Zipcode *
Phone number *
Date of birth *
Children's names and ages (all kids, please) *
Have you attended a MOPS group before? If so, where? *
Are you expecting this year? If so, when? (And congrats!) *
Are you VIRTUS certified, and would you be willing to help with childcare only in extreme cases when some of our teachers can't make it?  If you have no idea what VIRTUS certified means or prefer not to volunteer, answer "no." *
Do you have any food allergies? If so, what are they? (We like to list allergies anonymously on our brunch signups so moms may accommodate.) *
Do you have any Mom's Night Out ideas?
Please send chapter dues after signing up.  Dues are $140 if paying for the entire year or $75 if paying only for first semester.  (Second semester dues will be collected at the end of January 2023.) *
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