SenseSquared-webinar: hEAR DROPS
Wednesday 14 June 2023, from 3:00 to 4:30 pm CET
Participation is free. Register until Monday, June 12.


Introduction to hEAR DROPS - Presentation by Hans Van Regenmortel, artistic coordinator at Musica Impulse Centre (BE)

Exploratory talk in music classes to encourage divergent thinking - Presentation and workshop by Vesna Živković, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty (RS)

Blooming Ditty & Cradle (of) Art: hEAR DROPS episodes with focus on the voice - Presentation and workshop by Kirsten Halle, University of Stavanger (NO)

The hEAR DROPS episodes #14 and #17 are the result of a collaboration between Musica Impulse Centre (BE) and University of Stavanger (NO) in the context of the EU funded Erasmus+ SenseSquared project.

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