Youth Voices: Empowering the Next Generation for a Secure Digital Future
Date and Time: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 | 1:15 PM – 2:45PM EST
Modality: Hybrid (In-person near UNHQ and Virtually on Zoom)

This side event explores the critical role of youth in promoting digital security and responsible technology use, with a specific focus on mitigating risks related to nuclear disarmament and international stability. In today's interconnected world, vulnerabilities in information and communication technologies (ICTs) can have far-reaching consequences, including:

  • Accidental or unintended escalation of conflict: Cyberattacks or miscalculations in the digital realm can increase tensions and heighten the risk of nuclear escalation.
  • Misinformation and manipulation: The spread of false or misleading information through digital channels can destabilize international relations and erode trust, potentially leading to miscalculations with catastrophic consequences.
  • Disruption of critical infrastructure: Cyberattacks targeting nuclear command and control systems or essential services could create chaos and increase the risk of miscalculation or accidental launch.

Young people, as digital natives, are uniquely positioned to understand these challenges and advocate for responsible technology use that minimizes these risks. This event will showcase the achievements of Youth for Privacy's 6-month Youth Privacy Fellowship Program, which has empowered eight young ambassadors in the US to design and implement privacy-focused projects in their schools and communities. In line with the OEWG’s focus on data security and capacity-building, the event also will explore the intersection of youth empowerment, privacy advocacy, and nuclear disarmament through a youth panel, and will be held alongside the Ninth Substantive Session of the UN Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on Security of and in the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

Sponsors: Youth for Privacy, Reverse the Trend, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Major Group for Children and Youth, Permanent Mission of Kiribati to the United Nations



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