Bubblewrap Franchise Preliminary Enquiry
This questionnaire is for general information and will be used initially in assessing your suitability to own a
Bubblewrap Franchise.  It will be treated in the strictest of confidence and does not place you under any
obligation whatsoever.  Further information will be required should a mutual interest develop.
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Email *
Bubblewrap Franchise Opportunities
Name: *
Tel: Home/Work/Mobile *
Address (Inc Post Code) *
Date of Birth *
General Health: *
What is your current employment position? *
If employed, please give details:
Do you currently own a business? *
If yes, what type?
Have you ever run a franchise business? *
If yes, what type?
Which parts of the UK or US do you have a preference for? First Choice? *
Which parts of the UK or US do you have a preference for? Second Choice? *
When are you looking to change your career path? *
Will a partner be involved in your proposed new business? *
What liquid funds do you have available? *
What are your areas of expertise? *
What attracts you to the Bubblewrap Franchise? *
How did you hear of the Bubblewrap Franchise? *
I confirm that the information I have provided is to the best of my knowledge true and complete. *
Thank You for completing the Application Form, our dedicated franchise consultant from Seeds Consulting will be in touch to guide you through the process.
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