Donate To Blank Noise
Blank Noise is a registered trust (2015) , committed to ending sexual violence through community mobilisation. Initiated in 2003, Blank Noise has brought attention to street harassment through a wide range of approaches, campaigns, interventions and dialogues.

Blank Noise is built on the strength and efforts of its growing community of Action Heroes. An Action Hero is anyone who steps in to their power and potential to build a safe space. Over the past decade, we have mobilised a growing community of Action Heroes from across 66 Indian cities and towns, and globally, to take agency in tackling the issue.
Action Heroes fight fear, say no to victim blame,  and build efforts to co create safe spaces through community building.

Our project ideas have rippled into more than 300 actions, taking shape across spaces from the streets, public parks, public transport,  the internet, classrooms, college campuses, art spaces, mainstream media, conference rooms, and collective public memory. We believe in imagining the world, and society we want, and then stepping into our Action Hero potential, to create it. Thank you for believing in our vision. Thank you for enabling our work, through your generous donation.

Blank Noise was registered as a charitable trust in November 2015 . Given its current status , Blank Noise can receive funds only from Indian nationals only.  Incase of donor interest from outside India, please contact us at 

Project description and Blank Noise Funding Requirements Include:

1)  Fund an Internship:
Internship duration: 3 months + 1
Monthly stipend Rs. 10,000/
Total cost of one internship Rs. 40,000/  

2) Fund the I Never Ask For It project : A Global Call To End Victim Blame
“I Never Ask For It” is a five year effort to end victim blame by building testimonies of clothing.  Most women and girls across the world can also recall the clothes they wore when they experienced any form of sexual violence. I Never Ask For It participants are asked to contribute the garment they wore when they experienced sexual violence. The garment is a witness, memory, evidence and voice to the senders experience. The programme envisions ten thousand garments assembled in sites of public significance in an effort to arrest the conversation on victim blame and to create collective healing.

I Never Ask For It ,hosts several mini projects within it, built and shaped across forms of media, ranging from the streets to the internet. Fund this programme. Your contribution ranging from Rs.100 - Rs.100,000/ is welcome.

3) Fund Action Hero T shirts
Action Heroes report feeling fearless, stronger and empowered when they wear our Akeli Awaara Azaad t shirts, meaning Alone, Wandering and Free.
We want to produce a 1000 t shirts for a thousand Action Heroes.
Your donation would meet costs related to designing, production and dissemination
Funding goal : Rs.4,00,000/

3) Fund a staff person at Blank Noise : Rs 40,000 per person
We are looking to hire a community co ordinator , so that our network of Action Heroes can thrive!

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