Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Registration Form  2022/2023
Please make sure you answer all questions. Separate forms must be completed for each child and each device that your child brings to school. Thanks so much for enriching your child's educational experience by providing them with personal technology to use at school.
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Email *
Student's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Grade Level *
What device are you interested in registering for use at Yadkin County Schools? *
List make and model.
Please List your MAC Address-(usually located under Wifi settings) *
Device Serial Number *
It is required that we keep track of the serial number of any device your child brings in to use at Yadkin County Schools.
Parent Name *
Parent Email
Parent Telephone *
Technology Responsible Use Policy Acknowledgement *
I have verified my student is aware of all aspects of Yadkin County School's Acceptable Use Policy.
Use of Device *
I understand that the purpose of allowing my student to use their own device is to participate in teacher approved activities in support of the YCS curriculum. Use of these devices for unrelated activities beyond and outside of YCS educational program is prohibited.
Responsibility for Device *
I understand that if I agree to allow my student to use their own device the Yadkin County Schools is not responsible for the device , data loss, theft, damage, or other associated costs of replacement or repair incurred during the school day or at home as a result of participation in this program. I also understand when connected to the school network there is no expectation of privacy and device could be subject to search.
Parent Approval *
I understand that by typing my name in the box below and clicking submit I am allowing my student to bring a device to school and understand the school has no responsibility for any damage, theft or loss or use of this device. I also understand there is no expectation of privacy when connected to the school infrastructure.
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