Announcement Request Form
If you would like to have an announcement added to the E-Circuit Rider or weekly bulletin, please fill out this form in its entirety to the best of your ability. Any events MUST be confirmed with Jenn Kubica ( before being announced - your event is not considered scheduled until you have received a confirmation email from Jenn.

If you have any questions, please contact Wendy Deckner in the office at
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Name and contact information for person or group responsible for the announcement:
Brief description of announcement:
Required: Name of Announcements (2 to 5 words/phrase); short paragraph (how you want the announcement to read) - Please provide 2 to 3 sentences detailing your announcement and how you would like it to appear. This should include the date, time, and location of an event; the contact person for more information; relevant sign-up links or information as applicable. Please note that wording may be changed as needed for formatting purposes.
Do you need a graphic for your announcement?
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Dates announcement should be run:
Please provide start and end date for the duration of your announcement. For example: "September 7th through October 5th" or "8/28-9/25"
This announcement should be run...
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