I'm SO glad that you're here!  I can't wait to offer you some advice, recommendations, and wisdom on building the business that will help you build the life of your dreams.  Fill out the form below to give me some insight on your current standing in business and then click SUBMIT to choose a time from the booking link that will pop up in the success message - I can't wait to meet you!  (Feel free to DM me or email me ( with any questions / if you don't se a consult time that fits your schedule!)
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Email *
Your Instagram Handle(s): *
What are you currently seeking help with? *
How would you currently categorize your business:  *
Please elaborate on your response above: *
Describe your goals for your business (how it will affect your lifestyle, the impact you hope to have, etc.). Think big - dreamers are doers! *
What do you feel are your biggest barriers to success as a current or prospective business owner? *
What is your degree of readiness to invest in your brand and expand your business?  *
not ready at all.
ready to go ASAP.
What is your ideal timeline to get started with business mentorship/marketing services? (Ex: starting May 2024) *
Have you invested into your business education / outsourcing before? *
If you answered YES above, please elaborate on what you are looking for in your next investment.
Please outline your marketing goals/needs and monthly budget to the best of your ability  (Your response here in no way commits you to an investment or affects the standing of your application.)
My mentorships vary in price and I will recommend something to you that fits your needs the best - however, most of my in-depth mentorships range from $3k-$7k for comprehensive educational materials and 1:1 mentorship.  Please estimate a range for a payment plan that you might like to discuss in the event that we decide mentorship is the most valuable next step for you. (Your response here in no way commits you to an investment or affects the standing of your application.)
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Don't forget to book your free consultation with me to discuss your responses on this form - so excited to meet you!  Use the link that appears after you hit SUBMIT to book. *
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