Membership Eligibility Test - Students & Professionals - Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law
The Membership Eligibility Test is designed to test your understanding of key concepts in AI law and ethics from an Indian perspective. This test is applicable to all individual applicants, and not companies, organisations & social enterprises. The Secretariat of ISAIL is within its unconditional authority to self-nominate individuals.

The Test consists of multiple-choice questions covering topics such as the importance of an Indian approach to AI ethics, stages of AI hype cycles, the relevance of India's cultural values in shaping AI policies, anti-competitive practices in AI, India's strategic advantages in AI education and research, and the concept of misdirected perception in AI hype cycles.


  • The marks for each correct answer are indicated next to the question. The maximum possible score is 32 marks.
ISAIL Membership Eligibility: 
  • If you score 22 marks or higher (approximately 70% or above), you are eligible to apply for ISAIL membership. 
  • This score demonstrates a strong understanding of the fundamental concepts in AI law and ethics aligned with ISAIL's perspective.
  • To apply for ISAIL membership, please submit your profile/CV to the ISAIL Secretariat at with the a screenshot of the results of this test. In special cases, we reserve the right to give preference to applicants regardless of their results of this Test.
  • Your application will be subject to review by the Secretariat to ensure you meet all other membership criteria.
  • Please note that while a score of 22 or higher makes you eligible to apply, it does not guarantee acceptance. The Secretariat will holistically evaluate your profile, background, and commitment to AI, law and ethics before making a final decision on your membership application.
If you have any further questions about the quiz or the ISAIL membership process, please contact the Secretariat at
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