Survey for Speech of Prof. Dr. Isabel Schnabel (Executive Board of ECB)
Survey questions to gauge the opinions about the entry of Bulgaria in the Euro Area and ECB's monetary policy
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1. What issues should the central bank deal with primarily in its monetary policy (max. three answers)?
2. How do you feel about Bulgaria adopting the euro (scale 1 to 5 from very excited to very worried)?
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3. Are you currently worried about inflation (scale 1 to 5 from not at all to very worried)?
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4. Do you think the ECB should take a role in the fight against climate change (scale from 1 to 5 from certainly to not at all)?
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5. Do you think the ECB should foster employment and youth employment (scale from 1 to 5 from certainly to not at all)?
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6. Do you think the ECB should take into account inequality in its monetary policy (scale from 1 to 5 from certainly to not at all)?
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7. Do you think the ECB should introduce a digital programmable form of the Euro (scale from 1 to 5 from certainly to not at all)?
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