Great-horned Owl survey
Did you see a Great-horned owl? Great! Please fill out this form. The data will go to a research program run by the Royal Saskatchewan Museum and the University of Regina. The project examines Great-horned owl distribution, abundance, and habitat use in northern grasslands. Your participation will help in Great-horned owl management on the prairies.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please email us at:

Please show respect for birds by keeping a healthy distance from them. This is especially important if you are near a nest, which could cause distress to nesting adults and young birds. If you should find young on the ground, do not get closer or try to help – generally, they will do just fine without any human assistance (especially owls!).

As owls are a sensitive species, please do not share exact locations with others as this can attract unwanted attention and stress to the owls. Note that all data in this form remains secure and confidential and will not be distributed in any way except for scientific research purposes.

Use these links to learn more about how to be an ethical citizen bird scientist!

This project is being undertaken by Tory Hartley-Cox, a graduate student at the University of Regina, Co-supervised by Dr. Chris Somers and Dr. Ryan Fisher.

This research has been approved by the University of Regina animal care committee, permit #AUP 21-11
Thank you.

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Female Great-Horned Owl on nest in Canadian Prairies (Picture credit: Cam Nordell)
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