Gifted referrals
Please use this form as a referral for students who are exhibiting gifted characteristics and need to be evaluated by the GT Coordinator. All referrals will initiate the process for gathering a body of evidence for the student and will result in a determination by the D38 gifted identification committee.  Please be sure the student has characteristics of a GT learner and meets some or all of the criteria. (95th percentile or above on CogAT, NWEA, etc)
Email *
Do you have a student who has characteristics of a GT learner? *
Please write his/her first and last name here.
Please indicate the observed characteristics. *
Does this student have scores at or above the 95th percentile in any cognitive or academic areas?  *
Please provide scores below.
Teacher's name *
Student's grade in Fall 2023 *
Parent Name and email *
Thank you for your referral.  You will be notified if we have any questions or require more information.  The determination will be made once we have collected all relevant data and the file is reviewed by the committee.  
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