Disability Pride Parade & Festival - Sunday, October 8, 2023 - 10AM - 3PM
If you would like to take part in our event, please voluntarily fill in your details in the Event Registration Form below and you will be automatically registered. Event registration must be completed at least seven (7) days prior to the event. Registration is not required to participate in the event and everyone is invited to participate, regardless of disability.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
City of Residence *
State of Residence *
Zip Code of Residence *
Phone Number *
Reasonable Accommodation *
Please let us know what reasonable accommodation(s) you will need to actively participate in the event. If Other is chosen, no guarantee is made that we can fulfill the request, but we will do our best. The location and restrooms are accessible to all attendees.

*Please note: Event guides are available to assist with basic event-related needs like guiding, pushing, grabbing your food and seating. Volunteers cannot assist with feeding, toileting, emergency situations other than seeking appropriate assistance, or other personal needs.*
What mode of transportation do you anticipate using to get to and from the event? *
This helps plan for and inform public transportation and share-ride providers of anticipated use on this day.
How did you hear about this event? *
SCRS, Newsletter, social media, etc.
Event Waiver Agreement *
As a condition to the acceptance of my entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, for myself, my family members, my executers, administrators, and assignees, do hereby agree to waive and release the sponsors of this event, as well as SCRS, the County of Los Angeles, and all persons and agencies connected with this event from any and all possible claims arising from our participation in and travel to and from this event. This waiver and release includes but is not limited to my waiver and release of any and all possible claims (including for negligence), contract and statute as well as for any possible damage claims for personal injury, emotional distress, or loss of earnings. In consideration for my participation in this event, I understand the dangers, risk, and injury, that may come from participating in athletic activities and I will be responsible for myself if injury happens due to any cause, regardless of whether it is my fault, the fault of other participants or due to any other cause or source. I certify that I am responsible for my own actions at the Parade and will be cautious of participants around me. I also allow SCRS-IL to use photographs and video of me ant the event to be used in any promotional material without any compensation to me at any time.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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