Early bird Subscription for July and September
Dear Friends,
High Up Academy For English and Leadership has launched the subscription for both:
1- The summer courses: Starters - C2
2- The upcoming school year 2023 - 2024.
- The Summer different courses will be from July 1, to July 21
a- The course will be  intensive: 3 weeks: 3 classes a week. ( Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
c- General English for all levels and  IELTS for B2+ ( We have seen more interest in IELTS in the recent years. Apart from Europe, more than 3000 institutions in the US accept IELTS). The IELTS can be in-person and online.
b- The National STUDCON23: July 26 and 27 ( only evenings: from 4:00 to 8:00)
- The upcoming School year starts on September 4, 2022
If you are interested in enrolling, please fill out the form.
The link is: https://rb.gy/j6bwz
High Up Academy students: Deadline to complete the form is: May 15, 2023
First come, first served.

Email *
Full name: *
Phone number *
Are you a High Up Academy student?
Are you interested in the Summer courses: July 1, to July 21 added to 26 and 27 ( StudCon23)?
This period includes the National STUDCON23 for the B1 and B2 students
Are you interested in The Summer courses? *
If you are B2, what do you choose? *
ONLY for those who select the IELTS course,  how do you want to have it?
Clear selection
School year: It starts on September 4, 2023
Are you studying next year? September 4, 2023
Clear selection
Do you have any suggestion or request for the summer course?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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