TanzLII User Survey 2024
We want to know - how do YOU use TanzLII for legal research in your work or studies? Your responses will be anonymised and will not only help TanzLII improve, but support our efforts to provide public access to the law of Tanzania.

The survey should take around 5 minutes to complete.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Questions in this section will help us better understand who our users are.
What is your gender? *
What is your age? *
Where do you primarily live? *
What is your profession? Select one or use the 'other' option to write your own. *
How reliable is your access to the internet in the place (office, library, home) where you conduct legal research? Select one. *
Questions in this section will help us understand how you perform legal research, and why you choose the sources you do.
Did you use information from the TanzLII in your work in the last 6 months? If yes, select all that apply. *
If you did NOT use the TanzLII in your work in the last six months: why not?  Select all that apply.
Approximately how often do you use the TanzLII to conduct legal research (on a working day)?  Select one. *
When using the TanzLII for legal research, how often do you find what you were looking for? Select a rating from 1 (never) to 10 (always). *
How do you use material sourced from the TanzLII in your work? Select all that apply. *
Do you use any subscription-based legal databases when conducting legal research? *
If you answered 'no' to the above, why not? Select all that apply or use the 'other' option to write your own.
Do you consult any of the following additional resources when doing legal research? Select all that apply or use the 'other' option to write your own. *
Indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. The TanzLII is... *
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
If the TanzLII was no longer available, would you be able to do your job to the same standard? Select a rating from 1-10,  where 1 is No I would NOT be able to do my job, and 10 is YES I could easily do my job  . *
I would not be able to do my job
I could easily do my job to the same standard
Questions in this section will help us understand how you would like to see the TanzLII improve.
Which of the following do you see as most important upgrades to the TanzLII in the future? Select up to 3 or use the 'other' option to write your own.
Do you have any other comments, suggestions or compliments for the team behind the TanzLII?
If you are willing to be contacted for a brief follow-up interview about this survey, please leave your email address below.
END: Thank you!
The TanzLII team thanks you for your time in completing this survey and helping us improve TanzLII!

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