Bee Curious Ambassador Presentation Reporting
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Email *
Today's Date *
Presenter's Name *
Presenter's Contact Information (Please provide all of the following: phone, email address, mailing address)  *
Date of Presentation *
Presentation Location (Name of location, mailing address, contact name, contact email address) *
Bee Curious, as part of its educational component, will periodically distribute the following books to groups and schools throughout Michigan. The schools and organizations will be selected to receive these books based on the reports of our ambassadors. Please ensure you've provided an accurate contact name and address above.
Does the location where you presented have a library (lending, reference, classroom library)? *
Grade/age of students *
Number of Students *
Length of Presentation *
If you're a member of a bee club, please let us know which club that is.
Are you a member of Michigan Beekeeper's Association? *
Anything else you'd like us to know about the presentation?
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