Piano Lessons With Amy!
Piano is a language, and one of the most beautiful tools of expression I've found! I would love to teach you how to play the piano and help you meet your goals. Fill out this form, and I'll be in touch!
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What is your name: *
Who are you interested in piano lessons for? *
If you are inquiring for your children, please put first names and ages for each one interested in learning piano: *
What are your piano goals? *
How much experience playing the piano do you (or your children) have? *
Day / time preferred for piano lessons:
What is the best way to contact you? Please write either your cell phone number (text or call), email address, or however you'd like me to contact you. If you don't provide a way to contact you, I won't be able to reach out to coordinate! *
Any questions or comments?
I am so excited to get to know you and help you meet your piano goals! We will be in touch soon!
I try to respond as soon as I can, but it might take up to 48 hours! :)
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