Widows  Aid
The Nigeria Widows Database

Launch by Honorable Minister FMWA
“I wish to call on all working with widows, for widows to join us in this drive to build a credible Database for Widows in Nigeria”. Dame Pauline Tallen

A demographic database of widows in Nigeria is an appropriate tool to channel resources to target programmes that will improve the welfare of widows.

This is an initiative of Almanah Hope foundation in collaboration of Federal Ministry of Women Affairs &Women Radio 91.7.

Supported by Maami & Healing Hearts Widows Support Foundation

Get Widows register today for inclusion in national planning & development
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Please State Your Full Name? *
How old are you *
What is your State of Origin *
What is your Home Town *
Place of Abode *
Number of Children *
Your Phone Number *
Your Occupation *
Date of Spouse Bereavement *
How did your spouse died *
Did you perform any widowhood rites? *
Did in-laws want to collect your children? *
Did you give away your children *
Did your in-laws collect any of your husband property? *
what did they take from you? *
Did you take any action? *
Select the action you took *
Did you get justice? *
Do you Belong to Any NGO (optional) *
If yes please State the Name of the NGO (optional)
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