OSS session confirmation form for EuroPython2024
Welcome, fellow community organiser!

Thank you for joining us at EuroPython 2024. We cannot wait to see you there!
But first, please, fill in this form and tell us more details so we can properly plan for your visit.

We need confirmation if you will want to have a Community table to talk to people about your organisation. We will also have an Open Space discussion about Python Organisations and how we deal with challenges. Please confirm if you want to participate.

The Community tables will be available on conference days, from Wednesday to Friday.

Finally, we aim to host a Community Organiser's Lunch on Friday (July 12th) at 1pm so we can network and enjoy EuroPython.

Questions? Reach out to board@europython.eu

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What Community are you representing?
Who (and how many) are the people from your Community that will come to the conference? Add their name(s) below.
Are they planning to join the Community Organiser's Lunch?
Any dietary requirements we need to know? *
Will you require an Open Source table for your project?
Please note that we only have limited spaces available
Will you have a poster or a roll-up?
For the Open Space discussion, would you like to share any topics to be discussed?
We aim to plan this session with questions from the community. Please let us know if there any any subjects you would like to discuss. Please, keep in mind this is a Community session and subject should be relevant to most event's organisers.
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