Are you ready to train in RVA's safest, most diverse movement space? We are ready to change your fitness experience and provide you with personalized training for YOU and your needs. Body Arc's facility is filled with creative art, passionate coaches and an enthusiastic community to immerse yourself in.
Please fill out the form below and one of our amazing trainers will reach out to you as soon as possible. If none of our trainers currently have availability that matches yours, we will keep you on the waiting list and contact you as soon as availability opens up.
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Email *
What is your full name? *
What are your pronouns? *
What is your birth date? *
What is the best number to reach you via text?
Please briefly describe your current movement routine.
Please briefly describe any current or past musculoskeletal injuries. *
Please describe any other health problems that may affect your training. *
Please describe your main goals coming into BodyArc.
Are you looking for 1on1, partner or small group training? Or are you open to online programming? (this means that a trainer will plan your workouts for you to do on your own)
Which days & times are you available, how many days a week are you looking to train, and when are you available to begin training? Please give a time range so we can match you with a trainer who has similar availability.  *
Please note that our trainer's 1on1 sessions range from $50-90 per hour. Some trainers also offer partner sessions and small group sessions at lower rates. Please specify a range you are comfortable spending on your training.
Please let us know your preferred way to be contacted, and share any additional information that can help us match you with the best trainer for your needs! *
How did you hear about Body Arc? *
Thank you for your time and interest! We can't wait to meet you!
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