In the weeks leading up to Oct 7th, along with Jewish life mentors, discover the lives and qualities of those we’ve lost in Israel, honor their legacy through personal growth and unite together for our people.

Add light and goodness in this world to combat the darkness of October 7th.

And best of all do it alongside a vibrant welcoming community of young professionals and inspiring Jewish leaders.

5 Sessions - Sunday Evenings: September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 culminating with a powerful event on Monday, October 7th

7:15 PM - Gourmet Buffet Dinner

8:00 PM - Sessions 

YEHUDI Hub, Miami Beach, FL 33140

For driven Jewish young professionals, Ages 22-32

Apply below to join this exclusive program.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Date of Birth

What neighborhood do you live in? *
Were you born Jewish? *
Was your biological mother born Jewish? *
Was your biological father born Jewish? *
What industry do you work in? *
Please share a few sentences to describe your self (to be shared with your mentor):
What would you like to gain from mentorship?
Which of the 5 Sundays in September can you commit to participating in person at the YEHUDI Hub in Miami Beach? *
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