KCC2024 Volunteer Application form
Welcome to the Kitchener Comic Con Volunteer Application Form!

As a volunteer and part of the team you will receive:

  • a volunteer t-shirt
  • lunch and refreshment
  • opportunity to meet guests (were applicable) 

As a volunteer you agree to

  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Follow the instruction of your team leader
  • No alcohol or drugs
  • Be flexible to change positions to where assistance is needed
  • Dress appropriately 
  • Have a wonderful time 

Guest Concierge positions are assigned to individuals based on experience, commitment to helping the two full days, and full shifts first, then we assign the remainder of the tasked positions based on commitment level and amount (time).

As a volunteer we want everyone to have a wonderful weekend.
All volunteers will get an opportunity to rotate to other positions during break periods. 
This will get you the experience in the other areas for future events.

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