The Barnard and Columbia FLI Partnership Libraries are a collaboration between the Columbia First-Generation Low-Income Network student organization, Barnard SGA, Barnard Library, and Columbia University Libraries.
*If you do not identify as low-income and/or first-generation and as an undergraduate student, do not use this form; you may not use the FLI Partnership Libraries for semester-long access. You may ask for help using the links below or find other resources in CLIO
These collections provide textbooks for semester-long checkout to self-identified first-generation and/or low-income undergraduate students at Barnard and Columbia.
This form is for low-income and/or first-generation undergraduate students who want to check out materials in this collection. By providing your UNI in this form, you will be able to check out materials from the Barnard and/or Columbia FLI Partnership Libraries for a semester at a time. For more information, visit:
Barnard FLI Partnership Library: FLI Partnership Library: protect your privacy, your UNI will only be used to sign you up to a confidential and secure file that updates your circulation permissions.
If you have questions, please ask for help:
Columbia Univ. Ask-A-Librarian: