She's Bold Podcast Guest Submission
Please fill out this brief questionnaire if you'd like to be a guest or would like to suggest a guest!
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Email *
Name *
Email *
Title or claim to fame *
Tell me about the potential guest! What is it that makes her Bold? *
Why is she interested in being on the She's Bold Podcast? *
Has she been on other podcasts? If so, please include a link to the shows.
Pre-pandemic I was only recording in person and hope to go back to that at some point. Until then, I can record via Zoom or Skype. My office is in Seattle, and I do travel quite a bit and record when I'm on the road so please let me know where the potential guest resides. *
Guest's website
Guest's Facebook page(s)
Guest's Instagram
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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