2023 Hendersonville Theatre Scholarship Application
Thank you for your interest in the classes offered at Hendersonville Theatre. 

As theatre lovers and practitioners, we hold the strong belief that being educated in the Arts also means being educated in compassion. That by learning to shed your own self and step into someone else's shoes, even for just a moment, you gain the power to make the world a better place for everyone in your community.  We also hold the opinion that learning does not stop when you are no longer in school, but is a life long pursuit. Therefore we strive to ensure opportunities for all ages. We are a Theatre formed by this community, for the betterment of this community and we take that seriously. 

Please fill out the following application honestly and to the best of your knowledge. 

All information provided in this application is strictly confidential and will not be shared outside of those staff members making the final decisions. 
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