Register for: Football and the Occupation Panel!

Join the Democratic Socialists of America BDS and Palestine Solidarity Working Group' on NOVEMBER 13th at 10:30 AM PT / 1:30 PM ET / 8:30PM Pales-time for an engaging & unique panel discussion and Q&A on the intersections of the world’s most popular sport and the struggle for Palestinian rights and self-determination. Panelists will discuss the effect of the occupation on soccer/football in Palestine, as well as BDS organizing efforts toward pressuring teams to divest from international sporting companies operating in the West Bank. We hope everyone comes out of this event with a greater understanding of the Palestinian struggle through the lens of sport and with strategies to aid BDS efforts in the realm of soccer.

Panelists include:

  1. Mahmoud Al Sarsak - former Palestinian national football player from Gaza, held as a political prisoner for 3 years by the Zionists. Went on a 95 day hunger strike demanding his freedom.
  2. Muhanned Qafesha - Palestinian activist, journalist and sports commentator based in Hebron.
  3. Faisal Z - Palestinian organizer with BDS Boston and their #BoycottPuma campaign.
  4. Wael - Palestinian organizer with the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) one of the leaders of their Oakland Roots (football boycott) campaign
After you register using this form, a Google Calendar Invitation and Zoom Link for the panel will be sent to the email address you used to register!

In Solidarity,

DSA BDS & Palestine Solidarity Working Group
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