Vivian’s Door Ag Club Application 
The Ag Club is offering an agricultural-based educational program to young adults ranging from 14-to 24 years old residing in Mobile County who want to learn more about food systems, university ag programs, and agricultural careers while learning to grow their own produce. This is an introductory program into the world of farming and gardening. The curriculum will consist of a variety of classroom-based and hands-on learning opportunities to deepen one’s understanding of food production, conservation, food justice, and earning a living through agriculture. Participants will work in a variety of gardening/farming settings while acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge needed to gain a base foundation in the industry. This opportunity will require working indoors and outdoors, and with a team. 
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Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address  *
Date of Birth *
Address *
Current School or Program/Other *
If you replied "Other" what programs are you currently involved with or attending? 
Are you able to commit to the dates and hours listed in the job description?  *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Emergency Contact Email *
Why do you want to be a member of Vivan's Door Ag Club?  *
What does agriculture mean to you? *
Do you have any experience farming or working on a farm?  *
What are your farming interests?  *
What farming equipment, techniques, or technology are you familiar with?  *
What are you hoping to gain from the agriculture club? *
What qualities and character strengths do you have? *
What are some of your interests (academic or outside of school)? *
Are you currently employed?  *
If you replied "Yes" to the above question, will your job interfere with participating in the Ag Club? 
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If you are currently employed, please list where you work ?  *
Are you available in the afternoons during the week and occasional weekends ? *
Do you have reliable transportation to get back and forth to the Ag Club meetings?  *
How did you hear about Vivian's Door Ag Club  *
Please list 2-3 references from an adult that you have worked or volunteered with in the past, who can give you and honest evaluation of your skills, work ethic, and accomplishments.

Please include their name, relationship to you, phone number and email. 
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