($1,000 Pot) Golfle - Waste Management Phoenix Open Thursday
Designed to be a consumers game, Golfle targets and calls upon avid golf watchers or casual golf watchers to test their knowledge on their favorite tours, players, and courses! GOLFLE users and PGA tour player must be equally precise as Golfle's modes require users to guess a players score correctly on each hole to CASH OUT! This week the free entry pot is @ $1,000 if users simply guess all 18 holes correct!
Email *
Full Name *
Golfle Directions
Step 1: Choose your favorite player from the PGA tour!
Step 2: Check the weather to ensure the course conditions align with your later picks!
Step 3: Fill out the scorecard for your favorite player, trying to guess precisely what they will make on each hole. These answer's are instantly input into the PARPLAY gamemode where users make $1,000 this week if they guess all 18 holes correct. First entry is FREE, but any entry after that is $1
Step 4: If you would like to increase your odds of winning money, utilize the Flex Play option at the bottom of the form to bet VENMO money using our user favoring odds! In the Flex Play option users may select how many consecutive holes they believe they will get correct. Remember they must be consecutive holes and the streak starts the second the user gets a hole correct and ends when they incorrectly guess a players score on the hole!
Step 5: Check email to check your scorecard's accuracy as you watch along!
Weather @ TPC Scottsdale Thursday
Golfer Selection *
Hole 1-Par 4 (410 yards) *
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Hole 2-Par 4 (416 yards) *
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Hole 3- Par 5 (554 yards) *
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Hole 4- Par 3 (175 yards) *
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Hole 5- Par 4 (453 yards) *
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Hole 6- Par 4 (409 yards) *
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Hole 7- Par 3 (215 yards) *
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Hole 8- Par 4 (470 yards) *
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Hole 9- Par 4 (448 yards) *
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Hole 10- Par 4 (403 yards) *
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Hole 11- Par 4 (469 yards) *
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Hole 12- Par 3 (195 yards) *
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Hole 13- Par 5 (595 yards) *
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Hole 14- Par 4 (444 yards) *
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Hole 15- Par 5 (501 yards) *
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Hole 16- Par 3 (162 yards) *
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Hole 17- Par 4 (332 yards) *
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Hole 18- Par 4 (438 yards) *
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GOLFLE Flex Play Directions(Optional/Costs Money)
This is the more favorable and our most popular game mode where players wager their own money! Users get to select the amount of holes they believe they can guess correctly consecutively. As the number of holes the user believes they can guess increases, so do the CASH PAYOUTS!
Step 1) Wagering money is easy, users simply choose how much money they would like to wager and then venmo:Jeddy-Smith-1
Step 2) Pick number of holes you believe you will guess in a row down below and payouts vary depending on odds(shown below).
Step 3) Remember: Streaks can happen at any time in the round. For Ex. If you select 3 holes, if you get 3 consecutive holes correct at any point in your selected player round you CASH OUT!
Step 4) GOLFLE professionals will use your 18 hole scorecard to check if the user hit their mark with correct consecutively guessed holes!
Step 5) Input your venmo so GOLFLE can pay you out!
Flex Play(Optional/Must Venmo)
How many holes you believe you can guess in a row!?
Your Venmo Account ID For Payout!$
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