Auburn-Washburn USD 437 Kindergarten Roundup
Welcome! We are excited to welcome your kindergarten student to the Auburn-Washburn family! Please complete the following information to receive information about roundup, bootcamp, and registration. We will email information to the address provided on this form. Please note that your child must turn five on or before August 31, 2025 in order to be eligible for kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year.

Kindergarten Roundup will take place at your child's home school on Friday, April 4, 2025. If at all possible, please bring the following documents with you:
  • Birth certificate
  • Up-to-date immunization records
  • Proof of home address (real estate contract, lease agreement, utility bill)
  • Up-to-date health assessment
Online registration is a required step to officially enroll as a student in the Auburn-Washburn district. Registration information will be sent to the email address provided on this form. Thank you!
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Students must attend the home school assigned to their primary address. Please select the school where your student resides. If you are not sure what school that is, please visit for the boundary maps. *
Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Student's Birthdate *
Gender *
Parent/Guardian Names *
Street Address *
City, State, Zip *
Phone Number (555) 555-5555 *
Email Address (where all roundup, bootcamp, and registration information will be sent) *
Did your child attend preschool? *
Does your child have a Special Education IEP (Individualized Education Plan)? *
Please list any student allergies or health concerns.
Please share any additional information that would help us know your child better.
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