Poster Abstract Submission Form
UT GIS Day 2023 is celebrating geospatial open science! To highlight the innovative geospatial research being carried out here at UT Austin, we are inviting all members of the campus community (students, faculty, and staff) to share a poster highlighting a project that makes use of GIS or involves geospatial data. Submit the proposal form below if you are interested in participating in the poster session which will take place on Wednesday 11/15 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in the Scholars Lab in the Perry-Castañeda Library (PCL). Currently enrolled UT students are eligible to compete in a poster competition that will have awards for the top 3 posters. To go along with our theme of celebrating open geospatial science, student presenters are also eligible for special recognition awards for all posters containing a section that highlights how the project they focus on has a connection to open science practices (use of open source software, sharing of research data, open access publishing, etc.). The deadline for poster submissions is Friday, November 3rd. Posters may be still be considered for inclusion in the competition after the poster submission deadline if there is still capacity to accept further posters.
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Presenter first name *
Presenter last name *
Are there any other co-presenters? If so, provide a semicolon separated list with co-presenter first names and last names.
Email address for poster primary contact
Department affiliation of first author
Role/status of first author
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Poster title (20 words max) *
Poster abstract
Please try to keep this to 200 words or less.
Would you like to be entered into the UT GIS Day poster competition? Awards are given to the top three student posters as chosen by a panel of judges. Free poster printing services will be made available through the UT LLAMA Lab for those who enter the competition.
The theme for UT GIS Day 2023 is Open Science. We will celebrate this theme by awarding open science special recognition awards to student posters incorporating a discrete section that discusses how their project includes a focus on open source software, open data, or open dissemination of research results (publications, code, or data). Are you a student wanting to participate in the poster competition and do you plan on including a section on your poster which highlights open science practices in your work?
If you are student participating in the competition, do you plan on having your poster printed through the LLAMA Lab on the UT campus.
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Are you OK with information about your poster (title, author name, abstract) being published on the UT GIS Day website at *
Are you OK with information about your poster (title, author name, abstract) being published on the Texas GIS Day website at
All submitted abstracts will be evaluated and selections will be made based on topic, content, and space available. All authors will be notified by Tuesday, November 7th after the selection process is complete.
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