IV Nightlife, Arts, and Culture Survey
Isla Vista Community,

Your two local governments, the IV Community Services District and IV Recreation & Park District are seeking your feedback, ideas, and input on the future of nightlife, including arts and cultural events, in Isla Vista. Through this process our goal is to identify how our districts, and other community partners, can plan high quality, fun, and safe events in Isla Vista at night.

We are in the early data collection stage right now to see what the community sentiment is, so feel free to throw out all possibilities knowing we will need to vet them for feasibility in the future.

Here is the survey: https://forms.gle/BL95fpioX6Tgg2uR9 

Join our Zoom community meeting on May 18th at 5:30pm to discuss this topic. All are welcome.

Thank you for participating!

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What are the kinds of nightlife events that you'd like to see more of in Isla Vista?
Examples: jazz concerts, movie screenings, open mic nights, night markets, etc
What are some specific nightlife events in other communities you'd like to see happen here?
What are some events or exhibits in the arts that you'd like to see more of in Isla Vista?
Example: current art installation at Pardall Gardens, Shakespeare in the Park
What are some cultural events that could happen in Isla Vista if there were the right facilities?
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