Report Your Hike - Conserving Carolina White Squirrel Hiking Challenge 7
Use this form to report your most recent hikes! You may have already done some of these hikes, but it's a new experience every time. Only hikes done October 2023 or later count toward the Conserving Carolina and Witherspoon Platt Associates White Squirrel Hiking Challenge 7.

This form may be used for *one hiker* and *one hike* at a time. You must enter a separate form for each member of your hiking party (spouses, children, friends all must be submitted individually) as well as a separate form for each hike you complete.

Remember to also include your first AND last name for each form submitted; first names only cannot be counted on the hike log.

Thank you and happy trails!

If you have any questions about the White Squirrel Hiking Challenge, please email Community Engagement Director, Pam Torlina at

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First name *
Last name *
Your City/Town & State of Residence
Date of Outing:
Hike Completed: *
Hike Comments & Description:
You must be a current Conserving Carolina member to receive White Squirrel patch and award package upon completing your 8 hikes. Please join or renew membership to Conserving Carolina at Thank you for your support & happy trails!
Are You a current Conserving Carolina member? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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