UNFREEZE application form 2019
Please fill in this form to apply for the:

Contemporary Ice Skating Festival Berlin 2019

Your e-mail address will be used to send you relevant information about the festival.
Your phone number will be used when we have urgent messages regarding the festival. It will be deleted within 30 days after.

We are looking very much forward to welcoming you on our second official contemporary ice skating festival in Berlin.

Best regards,

Birgit, Bram, Elisa, Vitale, Julia  and Katja - organizing team UNFREEZE

ps: if you encounter a problem, please let us know via info@unfreeze-festival.berlin
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Email *
Firstname *
Lastname *
Date of birth *
Phone number (only for urgent messages)
In which part(s) do you wish to participate? *
Please describe your motivation and skating experiences: *
Do you like to receive e-mail updates about our next festival? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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