Registration for Molecular Biology Workshop
Full details at

Our next workshop will be held on Dec 9th to 13th, 2024 (Monday to Friday).  Cost is CAN$1500 or equivalent, and we will likely aim for 12 to 16 clients.  Filling out will lead to an invoice being sent to your email address.  Payment secures the spot, which is essentially first come first serve.  

We can provide a full refund if we receive a notice of cancellation 2 weeks prior to the date of the workshop. In an attempt the mitigate COVID uncertainties (including whether a client or an instructor becomes exposed, infected, sick, etc), last minute cancellations will not result in a refund, but your payment will count as credit for future molecular biology workshops. However, please be considerate of letting us know any change in attendance status ASAP, since these workshops are our primary mechanism for outreach fund raising.
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Name *
Email *
Phone (including country code if not Canada or the US) *
Address (this will be included in the invoice, so you can either use your personal or institutional address)
Reason for taking the workshop (optional)
If you have any questions, please leave them below:
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