Virginia Synod, ELCA ForwardingFaith Congregational Training
Does your congregation want to take part in the ForwardingFaith Campaign? Is your stewardship team looking for a training event, but doesn't know where to go? As part of the Forwarding Faith Campaign, we are looking to offer future 2-hour training sessions in the fall to teach you and your stewardship team how to conduct a special gift appeal.

A part of this training provides materials and information on how to conduct the Forwarding Faith campaign in your congregation, but you can use everything you learn during the training session to conduct an appeal for a new air conditioning unit, parking lot paving, roof, outreach opportunity, or whatever your ministry needs to fund!

If you have any questions, please contact Lenae Osmondson at 757-622-9421 or
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
(ex. (540)-389-1000)
Congregation Name *
Congregation Location *
Date you anticipate beginning your congregation's ForwardingFaith appeal
Most congregational appeals last five to six weeks total.
Number of Bulletin Inserts and Intent Forms Requested *
Bulletin Inserts and Intent Forms are necessary to complete the ForwardingFaith campaign in your congregation.
Number of Hymnal Wraps Requested (one per hymnal located in your worship space) *
A hymnal wrap is used to display information about the campaign in a paper wrap that fits around hymnals in your worship space. These are optional, but recommended. If you or your congregation do not want hymnal wraps to use, please put the number 0 as your response.
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