CHRISTCHURCH - Registration Form
Please complete one form per person to register for the Seminar on Saturday 27th July 2024 at :120 Paparoa St, Christchurch 
Traditional & Kata 10.30am-12.30noon
Kumite 1.30-4pm

Single Session (Kata or Fight) $35
Two sessions (Kata & Fight) $50
Dojo Operators FREE

Please complete registration and make payment BEFORE Friday 19th July, pay: 
Kyokushin NZ 12 3035 0629419 00
Particulars: JOE BLOGGS (person participating)
Code: CHCH
Reference: KATA, FIGHT or BOTH [CHOOSE 1 option]
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Email *
Dojo *
Full Name *
Person participating in the seminar
Contact Name (Parent or Guardian for kids)
Gender *
Mobile Phone Number *
I am *
Date of Birth *
What grade are you? *
I would like to attend *
Acknowledgements *
Kyokushin Karate is a traditional Japanese martial art that requires intense physical exertion.  Full contact fighting is a component of Kyokushin.  While every effort is made to protect the comfort and safety of all students there is an inherent risk of discomfort and/or injury.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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