Digital Breakout Template
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Created by John R. Sowash:
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4 digit numerical lock *
Data validation has been turned on for this question. The correct answer is 1234.
7 digit numerical lock *
Data validation has been turned on for this question. The correct answer is 1234567
Word Lock 1 *
Data validation has been turned on for this question. The correct answer is "alphabet". Responses ARE case-sensitive.  
Word Lock 2 *
Data validation has been turned on for this question. The correct answer is "chrome". Responses ARE case-sensitive.  
Word Lock 3 *
Data validation has been turned on for this question. The correct answer is "RTSW". Responses ARE case-sensitive.  
Date Lock *
Data validation has been turned on for this question. The correct answer is 12/25/2019.
Pattern Code
You can use a checkbox grid to create a pattern lock.

Students must match a given pattern by selecting the appropriate boxes in the rows and columns. The solution might be similar to the image below.

At this time there is no way to automatically verify this type of response.

You will need to manually review student submissions if you use this type of lock.
Sample pattern codes - you could use one of these patterns to solve the question below.
Pattern Code *
Reminder: the solution to this question can not be verified automatically. You will need to monitor student submissions and notify them if their answer is incorrect.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
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