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The spacing between two bars in medium size screen range from [RRB : 2015]
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The air pollution control device cyclone is used for the removal of [RRB : 2015]
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The 20 dBA noise level is how many times more powerful than 1 dBA noise level ? [RRB : 2015]
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A clay sample has a void ratio 0.54 in dry state. The specific gravity of soil solids is 2.7. What is the shrinkage limit of the soil [RRB : 2015]
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In an office building one water closet should be provided for every ______ number of female persons
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Plate load test is carried over upto ______ times expected ultimate load
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Which of the following is a type of semi-module outlet?
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Hydraulic accumulator is a device used to store ______ energy which may be supplied to a machine later on.
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In the design of gantry girders impact factor for vertical loads for electrically operated cranes is taken as
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If the size of the column is 250 × 300 mm and depth of footing is 400 mm, the perimeter of critical section for two way shear is
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What is hotspot
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if a : b = 4 : 5 and b : c = 2 : 3 then c : a is
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Compound interest on rupees 8000 for 1 years at 10% per annum compounded half yearly is
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 Which country recently passed a law to make ‘ethnic unity’ mandatory?
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Complete the series 10, 34, 12, 31, 14, 28, 16, ?,  ?
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