Imagination PLAYCE Visit Feedback Form
Thank you so much for visiting with us at Imagination PLAYce. We have a couple short questions to help us make this a better space for all! We collect emails so we can follow up with you, not for any other purposes. If you don't want to be in touch you can say that below.
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Email *
My visit to Imagination PLAYce was meaningful. *
Imagination PLAYce made me think differently about teaching and learning. *
How did you participate when you came to IMAGINATION PLAYce? (check all that apply)  *
In a sentence or two - what was your impression of Imagination PLAYce?  *
How do you now view play in relation to teaching and learning? Did your visit change your ideas? *
Anything else you want to share? *
Could we follow-up with you for a short 15 minute conversation?  *
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