Ark of San Juan Cat/Kitten Adoption Application
Updated Dec 2020
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Name of cat you are interested in (or type of cat) *
Tiffany Williams         What is your First and Last Name? *
What is your Street Address? *
What is your City and Zip Code? *
What is your Home Phone Number? *
What is your Cell Phone Number? *
What is your Work Phone Number
What is your email address? *
How many people are in your household? *
If there are children in the home, what are their ages?
Do you live in a: *
Do you: *
If you rent, do you have your Landlord's permission to have a pet? *
Name and Phone Number of your Landlord:
If an Ark representative requested a home visit prior to adoption, would that be ok? *
If you answered NO or CONDITIONAL above, please explain:
Will this Cat be an *
When the Cat is outdoors, is there sufficient shade in the yard for his or her comfort? *
What outdoor shelter will be provided for cold/or wet weather? *
Do you currently have any pets? (check all that apply) *
If you have any Cats or Dogs, please list exactly how many, their ages, their breeds and sexes: *
If you have a dog(s) how does it access outside? *
Have you previously had a Cat or Cats? *
If you answered YES above, then what is their history or situation:
Do you know how to introduce a new Cat to other pets (specifically to other Cats) in your household? *
Do you intend to declaw this Cat? *
Are you, or anyone in your household, allergic to Cats? *
How many hours a day will the Cat be left alone? *
Where will the Cat be kept while alone? *
When you travel, who will be responsible for the Cat's care in your absence? *
Where will the Cat sleep at night? *
Will this Cat wear an identification collar? *
Are you prepared to provide necessary veterinary care for this Cat? *
Do you currently have a vet? *
If you have a vet, who is it?
If you should move, what would happen to the Cat? *
If you should die before this Cat, what would happen to it and who would take care of it? *
Why do you want a Cat? *
Why did you choose this particular Cat? *
Are you aware that if the Cat does not work out in your home, you may relinquish the Cat back to the Ark, and your adoption fees will not be returned, and those fees will be considered a donation to The Ark of San Juan? *
By submitting this application I state that I have read and completed this form and fully understand the responsibility of adopting this Cat. *
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