Tastoid User Feedback Survey
Your experience matters! I value your insights and would love to hear about your journey with Tastoid. Please take a moment to complete this survey, sharing your thoughts on what you enjoyed most and any suggestions you might have. Many thanks,
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Overall Experience
On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with Tastoid?
Extremely Dissatisfied
Extremely Satisfied
What aspects of Tastoid did you find most valuable/useful?
Please rank the following features of Tastoid based on their value/usefulness to you. *
1 being the most valuable and 6 being the least valuable
Generating personalized recommendations
Keeping track of titles
Using the semantic search engine and advanced filters (moods...)
Using the "Similar" feature to find similar content
Using the social features (following the activity of friends...)
Are there any additional features you would like to see in Tastoid?
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