Streetwise Ink (Price Quote Request)
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Streetwise Ink is a local screenprinting cooperative that is organized and operated exclusively by people with experiences of homelessness. As such, we greatly appreciate people sharing the word about us. Please feel free to let us know how you heard about us below.
Will you be picking your order up or would you like it shipped or delivered to you? (If you'll want it shipped or delivered to you please add the address below.) *
Name: *
Contact Info: *
What type of shirts would you like? *
How many shirts would you like? *
Please specify how many of each size shirt you'd like. Sizes range from small to 5X in most colors. (Example: 10 small, 20 medium, 20 large, 20 extra large, 10 2x, 10 3x, 10 4x) *
Please choose what color shirts you would like. (1=Safety Green. 2=Jade. 3=White. 4=Berry. 5=True Navy. 6=Athletic Navy. 7=Deep Coral. 8=Ash Heather. 9=Royal. 10=Sunflower. 11=Cardinal. 12=Gold. 13=Sand. 14=Athletic Heather. 15=Slate. 16=Moss. 17=Putty. 18=Orange. 19=Black. 20=Charcoal. 21=Kelly. 22=Forest. 23=Red. 24=Sky Blue. 25=Purple. 26=Soft Pink. 27=Dark Chocolate. 28=Silver. 29=Coffee. 30=Turquoise. 31=Neon Green. 32=Neon Pink. 33=Graphite Heather. 34=Denim Heather. 35=Grass Green. 36=Maroon. 37=Tangerine. 38=Banana. 39=Royal Heather. 40=Kelly Heather. 41=Charcoal Heather. 42=Red Heather. 43=Brown Heather. 44=Safety Pink. 45=Safety Orange. 46=Kiwi. 47=Lavender. 48=Heliconia. 49=Coral Heather. 50=Purple Heather. 51=Heliconia Heather. 52=Heliconia Heather. 53=Celadon. 54=Sky Blue Heather. 55=Pool. 56=Lime. 57=Jet Black.) *
Captionless Image
When do you need them? *
Do you already have the artwork/design (preferably in vector format or a quality 300 dpi image saved in the size you want it to appear on the shirt)? Please select "no" if you're hoping we can create the design, or please explain the image you're wanting here or in an email to *
Does your artwork/design contain fine details? *
What color ink(s) would you like the image printed in? *
Where on the shirts would you like the image printed? *
If you have an image file, please email it to us at and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
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