Please specify how many of each size shirt you'd like. Sizes range from small to 5X in most colors. (Example: 10 small, 20 medium, 20 large, 20 extra large, 10 2x, 10 3x, 10 4x) *
Do you already have the artwork/design (preferably in vector format or a quality 300 dpi image saved in the size you want it to appear on the shirt)? Please select "no" if you're hoping we can create the design, or please explain the image you're wanting here or in an email to *
Does your artwork/design contain fine details? *
What color ink(s) would you like the image printed in? *
Your answer
Where on the shirts would you like the image printed? *
If you have an image file, please email it to us at and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
Your answer
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