Thank you for taking a moment to help your library!

Send your favorite librarian or library a Love Story! Your story can be short or long! You can fill out the form multiple times if you'd like to send this to multiple libraries or librarians.

We'll bring all of your stories to Library Legislative Day on February 11, 2025. Your words have a big impact!  

Here are some ideas to get you started:

• What problem has your library helped you solve in 2024?
• What have you been able to achieve with help from your library?
• What makes the library stand out from other products or services?
• How does the library help your community?

...or anything else you love about the library!

Your email, contact information, and name are optional, and not required to enter your story.

This is a public document, and your responses can be accessed publicly. If you want to send a confidential comment please send it to 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
This is my home library: *
If you'd like to send this to a particular librarian add their name here. (If not, you can just leave it blank!)
Tell your story! It can be short or long. (This form allows for about 32,000 characters!) Specific details are especially helpful. *
Your name, if you'd like to share it.
Your connection to the library (for instance: community member, board member, organizational partner, Friends Group member) if you'd like to share it.
If you need us to get back to you, tell us your best contact information. (If not, leave this blank.) This information will not be shared.
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