2023/2024 CHX Application Form
CHX is an online education platform for Christadelphians throughout the world. It is for children, teens, and adults and teaches subjects relevant to Bible study, preaching, and a Biblical worldview. Our mission is simple: to build up the family of God.

Classes stretch over a typical US school year. They begin the first week of September and end the last week of May.

CHX is a monthly membership and can be canceled at any time.

Tuition is as follows:
- One Student: $50 USD per month of enrollment
- Family (everyone living under one roof): $100 USD per month of enrollment
- Ecclesia (all ecclesial members and children): please email jhensley@heritageschoolcalifornia.com

All international tuition is paid through transferwise.com
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Name of Student: (One student per form) *
Student Birthday: (if adult, simply write "adult") *
Incoming Grade (only if applicable):
Available Classes (please select classes for each student applying):
Address: *
Preferred Email Address *
Preferred Phone Number:
Ecclesia: *
I recognize that CHS will be recording these classes so that students can watch them at a later time. I give permission for CHS to make these recordings available to CHX students.
I understand that a CHS representative may contact my ecclesia in order to verify that our family is in good standing with the ecclesia and that acceptance and participation in CHX is predicated on this good standing: *
Please type your name below as your electronic signature: *
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