September 7 Hersheypark Halloween Hiring Event
Age 16+ Jobs starting from $12-$15/Hour

Apply, Interview, and Get Hired on the spot for part-time positions on Saturday, September 7.
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What Is Your First Name? *
What Is Your Last Name? *
What Is Your Email Address? *
What Is The Best Contact Number To Reach You? *
Reserve Your Interview Time: *
Have You Already Applied For A Hersheypark Position?
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What Positions Interest You? (Select All That Apply)
Two (2) original forms of identification documents are required to work at Hersheypark. Visit to view a list of acceptable documents. (Documents will not be required at time of the hiring event.)
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All team members under 18 must bring an original work permit issued by a PA school district to their post-job offer Hiring Appointment. (Documents will not be required at time of the hiring event.)
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