OpenSky survey of businesses and nonprofits
If you run a business or a not-for-profit, please take a moment to let us know how your nonprofit/business is doing. In particular, we would like to know if there are state policy changes or initiatives that could help your organization and its employees thrive.
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Do you run a business or a nonprofit?
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How is your business/nonprofit doing?
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If poor, is it due to the pandemic or other some other reason?
What is the most important issue facing your business/nonprofit?
Please tell us about state policy changes or initiatives that could help address the top issue your business/nonprofit is facing.
What is the most important issue your employees are facing?
Please tell us about state policy changes or initiatives that could address the top issue facing your employees.
Is there anything else we should know?
Can we follow-up with you for additional information?
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If so, please share your contact information here.
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