DataStation User Survey
Help us better understand your background and how/why you use DataStation!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your email?
Is it ok to add you to the DataStation Mailing List (if you are not already on it)?
Expect mostly once-a-month updates and you can unsubscribe any time.
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What company do you work for?
Do you use DataStation at work?
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If you use DataStation at work, can we publicly say your company uses DataStation?
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What title does your work most correspond to?
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How often do you use DataStation?
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How do you use DataStation?
If you use Code Panels in DataStation, which scripting languages do you use?
If you use Database Panels in DataStation, which databases do you connect to?
What other data tools have you tried? Why would you use DataStation instead of them?
What can we do to make DataStation better?
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This form was created inside of Philip Eaton.

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