$2 Tuesday Mega List - Tuesday, April 8th, 2019
Hello! The first $2 Tuesday round up list I did was a huge success so I thought it might be a good idea to offer this sort of thing on a regular basis! I have created this form to make it easier to gather everyones information to share.

If you have any photos please email them to me at heytheremacyy@gmail.com with the subject "$2 Tuesday Roundup". Please email your photos to me no later than Saturday, April 5th at 5pm PST. If you select the option that you will be sending photos and I do not get them by this time they will not be included.

All entries on this form will be posted on Tuesday, April 9th, 2019 at 2am PST. It will be available at this link so please feel free to share it https://mylifeasmacy.home.blog/?p=488 (NOTE: The link will not work until the post has been published)

Since I do put a lot of time into creating these posts I would like to ask that in order for you to be able to participate again in the future you please share the post at least once somewhere throughout the day. The only way this works is if we all support one another.

If you would like to see examples of a previous post you can find it here: https://mylifeasmacy.home.blog/2019/03/26/ultimate-list-of-2-tuesday-planner-stickers/
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Name *
Email *
What is the name of your shop? (Please write it exactly as you would like it to appear) *
Please provide a link to your website or Etsy *
What is your Instagram handle? *
What category does your $2 Tuesday sale fall into? (Select all that apply) *
What is your shipping time? *
What country do you ship from? *
Is there any other information you would like included with your shop info?
Do you have photos you will be emailing to me? You may provide 1-6 photos. And do you agree to email them to me by 5pm PST on April 5th or else they will not be posted? *
Do you agree to share the link to the post at least once during the day of the sale? (Tuesday April 9th, 2019) Again, the only way this type of thing works is if we all support one another. *
Would you like to be contacted for a possible "Shop Spotlight" feature that will share a planner shop each week with info about the shop and the owner(s)? (More info to come) *
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